Simples, conviviales et gourmandes
Ben voilà les amis, je vous livre une de ces recettes simples, rapides, excellentes et qui nous sauvent quand on...
Learn moreHello! My name is Virginie and I live in Switzerland, a nice little country next to France. Some keywords to describe...
Learn moreIn French: soupe à la courge This is THE soup that the whole family always enjoy eating. So easy to do and so delicious!...
Learn moreStuffed vegetables with meat If I like vegetables used in this recipe, I especially like stuffing! It’s exceptional,...
Learn moreIn French: Crème brûlée à la vanille This dessert in one of my favourites. Crème brûlée with vanilla flavour is...
Learn moreIn French: Filets mignons aux morilles That’s a recipe that I make for years and it’s still so successful. Normally...
Learn moreIn French: Emincé au curry This recipe belongs to my Mum. Thank you Mum! It’s an easy recipe for a simple meal...
Learn moreIn French: Gratin dauphinois This wonderful potato gratin reminds me of my childhood. My family was neither large...
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