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Virginies recipes

Simples, conviviales et gourmandes

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  • Stuffed vegetables with meat

    26 September 2014 ( #Meat, #Vegetables )

    Stuffed vegetables with meat If I like vegetables used in this recipe, I especially like stuffing! It’s exceptional, so tasty. I use yellow bell peppers, round zucchini and tomatoes because I like mixing colours in a plate. But you can also use aubergines...

  • Potato gratin, the Best!

    21 September 2014 ( #Potatoes )

    In French: Gratin dauphinois This wonderful potato gratin reminds me of my childhood. My family was neither large nor rich, but we were happy and close. We often met for family meals and I was delighted with these moments. My Grandpa was always in the...

  • Crème brûlée with vanilla

    24 September 2014 ( #Sweets )

    In French: Crème brûlée à la vanille This dessert in one of my favourites. Crème brûlée with vanilla flavour is the crème brûlée you can savour the most here in France or Switzerland. But you can add ginger, lavender, orange blossom, vervein, lemon...There...

  • Welcome to my blog!

    28 September 2014

    Hello! My name is Virginie and I live in Switzerland, a nice little country next to France. Some keywords to describe Switzerland? I would say: mountains, snow, lakes, cheese, watches, chocolate, vine, nature, peace, four national languages, nice people...and...

  • Pork filet with cream and morel sauce

    24 September 2014 ( #Meat, #Mushrooms )

    In French: Filets mignons aux morilles That’s a recipe that I make for years and it’s still so successful. Normally I only use morels. But, you can use a mixture of mushrooms. And in mushrooms season, take them fresh, it's even better. Both variants are...

  • Emincé of chicken with curry sauce

    23 September 2014 ( #Meat )

    In French: Emincé au curry This recipe belongs to my Mum. Thank you Mum! It’s an easy recipe for a simple meal in family or with friends. I never get tired of that dish. My family neither. Cider and apple bring a slightly sweet touch which is perfect...

  • Curried pumpkin soup

    28 September 2014 ( #Soups )

    In French: soupe à la courge This is THE soup that the whole family always enjoy eating. So easy to do and so delicious! Serves 4 Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes - ¼ of a pumpkin (about 800g) - a bunch of parsley - 1 tsp curry -...

  • Coucou les amis

    29 April 2015

    Ben voilà les amis, je vous livre une de ces recettes simples, rapides, excellentes et qui nous sauvent quand on ne sait pas trop quoi faire à manger. Vous allez peut-être trouver ça simplet. Alors oui c'est fastoche, mais C'EST TRES BON! Chez nous tout...