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Crème brûlée with vanilla

In French: Crème brûlée à la vanille

In French: Crème brûlée à la vanille

This dessert in one of my favourites.
Crème brûlée with vanilla flavour is the crème brûlée  you can savour the most here in France or Switzerland. But you can add ginger, lavender, orange blossom, vervein, lemon...There are a lot of possibilities.
I give you a simple recipe with vanilla. That’s like I prefer it.
If you have special baking pans or moulds to burn crème brûlée, it’s perfect! Otherwise I think it’s easy to find them in stores.
What’s important is not to exceed about 1 cm thickness when you pour the crème brûlée into baking pans.
6 crème brûlée (Serves 6)
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
- 5dl cream (35 % fat level)
- 2,5dl milk
- 5 fresh eggs yolks
- 1 vanilla pod
- 50g sugar
- 6 tbsp cane sugar (brown sugar) to sprinkle the crèmes brûlées
1) Split the vanilla pod in half along the length, remove the seeds with the tip of a knife and put in a saucepan (seeds and pod). Add cream and milk.
2) Bring to a boil and turn off the hot plate immediately. Cover and let infuse for 20 minutes.
3) Remove the vanilla pod. In a big container, whisk eggs yolks with the sugar until the mixture blanches.
5) Preheat oven to 140 ° C. Boil 2 litres of water in a saucepan.
6) Pour the milk and cream slowly into the eggs and sugar mixture, still beating. Now you can use a sieve to have a pure and clean cream.
7) Place baking pans into a baking tray or into a gratin dish with height (depth) of about 3 cm. Pour the cream into the moulds to 1 cm thick about.
8) Put in the oven baking tray or gratin dish with the moulds inside. Use a container with a spout and pour the hot water until it reaches halfway up the moulds. Like that, creams can cook in a bain-marie.
9) Cook for 35-40 minutes.
10) Remove the crèmes brûlées from oven and let get colder. Then refrigerate in the fridge for a few hours.
Crème brûlée with vanilla
11) Before serving, sprinkle every crème brûlée with cane sugar. Caramelize with a kitchen torch or bake 2 minutes in the oven to 200 ° C, with the grill function. If you do so, keep an eye on baking, because it burns very fast!
Crème brûlée with vanilla
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